(…) For a long time he had learned to understand the feminine beauty as a constant and treacherous source of monstrous disasters. He had tried to guard. But in vain. The black, cool metal of his camera was magnetic to young goddesses; just these delicious, fragrant, sweet creatures who never got enough: thus insuring themselves by everlasting new photos of their divinity; Narcissism in blonde and black and very blonde – no matter. They all sensed how fabulously his finger on the trigger was actually magnifying their grace, and they all were mad on that distinguished rank of immortality, even if it was true that it would last only to the next corner. At the age of 17 or 18 even real beauties already had their fear of getting old secretly on their neck.
Tanner knew it, and he knew about his photographic eye, too, which even made explicitly ugly ones complacent, and he got involved in all kinds of things.
In the end he wore the reputation of the last bohemian of his high school, and he did not know whether with pride or disgrace. His art threatened to grow on his head, and the number of entangled relationships had become legion. So he turned away from the subject of female beauty, possibly even with a certain consistency, took the job at Reuter’s and devoted himself to more current topics. As he believed. (…)
from the novel “Da Capo” © Robert Komarek
(…) Seit langem schon hatte er die weibliche Schönheit als stete und heimtückische Quelle monströser Desaster begreifen gelernt. Hatte versucht sich zu hüten. Umsonst. Das schwarze, kühle Metall seiner Kamera wirkte auf junge Göttinnen magnetisch; eben diese köstlichen, duftenden, süßen Wesen, die niemals genug bekamen: sich so anhand immer neuer Photos ihrer Göttlichkeit versichern ließen; Narzissmus in Blond und Schwarz und Sehr Blond – egal. Sie alle witterten, wie fabelhaft sein Finger am Auslöser ihre Anmut geradezu potenzierte, und sie alle waren verrückt nach diesem erlesenen Rang von Unsterblichkeit, wenn er vielleicht auch nur bis zur nächsten Ecke galt. Mit 17 oder 18 saß selbst wirklichen Schönheiten bereits die Angst vorm Altwerden heimlich im Nacken.
Tanner wusste es, wusste auch um sein photographisches Auge, das sogar explizit Hässliche noch gefällig gemacht hätte und ließ sich auf allerlei ein.
Am Ende trug er den Ruf des Letzten Bohemien seines Gymnasiums, und er wusste nicht, ob mit Stolz oder voll Schande. Seine Kunst drohte ihm über den Kopf zu wachsen, und die Zahl verwickelter Beziehungen waren Legion geworden. So wendete er sich fortan ab vom Sujet weiblicher Schönheit, sogar mit einer gewissen Konsequenz, nahm die Stelle bei Reuter’s an und widmete sich aktuelleren Themen. Wie er glaubte. (…)
from the novel “Da Capo” © Robert Komarek
Nikon F – Poros / Greece 1977
Born in Vienna/Austria under the sign of Taurus
Famous Photographers School, Westport, Connecticut / U.S.A.
Numerous works published by literary magazine FRISCHFLEISCH/Vienna
Lectureship for Fine Arts and German Language
Marriage at Pienza/Tuscany, Italy
Move to Paltmuehl/Lower Austria
Move to Grundlsee/Styria
Editor of www.bildstoerung.eu / website for art photography
Move to Lower Saxony/Germany
Move to Carinthia, back home to Austria
THE WIEN MUSEUM hosted the Suedbahnhof-Photos (“We Wanted Workers …”) from 1973 into their archives
In Interview with www.1x.com from Uppsala/Sweden:
THE WIEN MUSEUM shows as a part of the encompassing exhibition Moving History some of the Suedbahnhof-Photos from Oct 5th 2017 to February 11th 2018
Completely new design by facelifting, reorganisation and remastering of my homepage www.robert-komarek.at
Lots of brand new stories and features to explore.
Numerous shootings in Carinthia and Vienna with models from Czech Republic, Switzerland, Russia and Austria.
Because of COVID19 restrictions I have to suspend all planned shootings except one already in January.
On June 29th for the first time I reach the 1st place on 500px.com with STILL TALKING in category NUDES; 2nd place on August 16th with CHILD OF GOLD on 500px.com as well.
PURE reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category NUDES on January 4th.
COUTURE reaches the 2nd place on 500px.com in category NUDES on June 14th.
AFTER TALKING as well reaches the 2nd place on 500px.com in category NUDES on December 26th.
In February 2022, the Swedish photography platform 1x.com awards me the designation “Awarded Photographer”. Thank you very much.
CHARLEY’s TRUE AUNT reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category PERFORMING ARTS on August 08th.
BURNT, BUT NOT BROKEN reaches the 4th place on 500px.com in category NUDES on October 24th.
I AM THE TALL TREE (PART I) reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category PERFORMING ARTS on December 27th.
TENSION reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category NUDES on March 06th. Within 24 hours, the photo received 11.500 views.
EBONY & IVORY received 17.000 views within 2 weeks in December on 500px.
BEING A CAT reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category NUDES on February 5th.
SECRET PLACES reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category BOUDOIR on November 4th. Within 48 hours, the photo received 8,000 views and within 30 days, 22.000 views.
As a newcomer, my lovely model from the Ukraine won 1st place on 500px.com in category BOUDOIR with DREAMY on December 16th. Within 24 hours the photo received 8.000 views. At the same time DREAMY reached the 4th place in category NUDE.
ASPECTS No.113 reaches the 1st place on 500px.com in category PERFORMING ARTS on February 1st.
500px.com has 13 millions of registered members in 190 countries.
Vienna – Linz – Krems/D. – Kassel – Osnabrueck